Locate where you live, work, and play. If you are in the yellow area and need to evacuate, get to higher ground as soon as possible — GO ON FOOT. Roads are likely to be impassable.
You may not feel a large earthquake from far away. Notifications that a Tsunami Warning has been issued may come via Wireless Emergency Alerts, TV, radio stations, door-to-door contact by emergency responders, NOAA weather radios, or in some cases, by outdoor sirens and announcements from airplanes. Sign up for County Alerts.
Warning siren when a Tsunami event occurs.
1:00 minute long
Tsunami preparedness.
10:06 minutes long
Bicoastal Media, Inc.
College of the Redwoods
City of Crescent City
Cholwell, Benz & Hartwick
Crescent City/Del Norte County
Chamber of Commerce
Crescent City Downtown
Business Improvement District
Crescent City Rotary Club
Darren McElfresh
Del Norte County Office
of Emergency Services
Del Norte Office Supply
Del Norte Sunrise Rotary Club
The Del Norte Triplicate
Gastineau Family Trust
Mary Dorman-State Farm Insurance
Harley & Jill Munger
Lighthouse Repertory Theatre
National Oceanic &
Atmospheric Administration, Eureka
Pacific Power
Recology Del Norte, Inc.
Redwood Coast Tsunami Team
Redwood Mural Society
Rural Human Services
Sutter Coast Hospital
Uncharted Shores Academy
Special thanks for providing photos and research goes to the Del Norte Historical Society